Продукти за нови лещи (16)

Етерично масло от пелин

Етерично масло от пелин

El aceite esencial de ajenjo se obtiene de la planta Artemisia absinthium, conocida comúnmente como ajenjo o ajenjo común. Este aceite esencial se ha utilizado históricamente con fines medicinales y terapéuticos debido a sus propiedades antiparasitarias, antibacterianas y antiinflamatorias. Además, se cree que tiene propiedades estimulantes que pueden mejorar la digestión y aliviar problemas gastrointestinales. También se utiliza en aromaterapia para aliviar el estrés y la ansiedad, proporcionando un efecto calmante y relajante en el cuerpo y la mente. Sin embargo, es importante utilizarlo con precaución y en cantidades adecuadas, ya que el ajenjo es una planta poderosa y su aceite esencial puede ser fuerte y potencialmente tóxico en altas concentraciones.
Етерично масло от Ветивер "vetiveria zizanoides" - Етерично масло

Етерично масло от Ветивер "vetiveria zizanoides" - Етерично масло

The essential oil of vetiver is obtained from the roots of the plant Vetiveria zizanoides, also known as khus grass. It is a perennial herb primarily found in the tropical regions of India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Method of extraction: The essential oil of vetiver is extracted through steam distillation of the dried and crushed roots of the plant. Approximately 500 kg of dried roots are needed to obtain 1 kg of essential oil. Properties: The essential oil of vetiver has an earthy, smoky, and woody aroma, with notes of nutmeg and cinnamon. It is dark amber in color and has a thick consistency. Some of the therapeutic properties of vetiver essential oil include: - Sedative: Vetiver essential oil has sedative properties that can help calm the mind and improve sleep. - Antiseptic: Vetiver essential oil has antiseptic properties that can help prevent infections and heal wounds. Botanical name: Vetiveria Zizanioides INCI: VETIVERIA ZIZANOIDES ROOT OIL Family: Poaceae Part used: Roots CAS: 8016‐96‐4 EINECS: 282‐490‐8
Екстракт от мента

Екстракт от мента

Extract from Mentha piperitas L. Ratio 4:1
Хлорофил и Хлорофилин

Хлорофил и Хлорофилин

++++ NUR AUF ANFRAGE ERHÄLTLICH ++++ Chlorophyll & Chlorophyllin Europäischen Ursprungs.
Органична мента

Органична мента

The company has been working in the field of Organic Mint since 2000. We have extensive experience in producing organic products.
Замразен магданоз

Замразен магданоз

Le persil et l’ail qui composent le mélange persil-ail sont fraîchement lavés puis coupés avant d’être surgelés IQF. Ce produit de qualité est facile d’utilisation, et grâce à son sachet ZIP il conservera toutes ses saveurs et ses arômes. CONDITIONNEMENT:8 x 250 g = 2 kg
Автентичен комплект за бръснене - Козметика

Автентичен комплект за бръснене - Козметика

Dans ce coffret en bois, retrouvez notre rasoir de sécurité en bois de chêne français traité à l'huile de lin pour résister à l'eau. Ce beau rasoir traditionnel est certifié PEFC, il provient de forêts éco-gérées. Il est accompagné de 10 lames en acier inoxydable et finition platine et de son pain de rasage solide au parfum thé vert - citron. Adapté à tous, notre rasoir et pain de rasage solides sont unisexes et s'utilisent à la fois sur le corps et le visage :) Les ingrédients Composition du pain de rasage solide : Depuis septembre 2017, une nouvelle norme ISO 16128 a défini une méthode de calcul des indices naturel, d'origine naturelle, biologique et d'origine biologique. Ce référentiel commun permet de comparer toutes les marques sur une même base. Pour le pain de rasage, en fonction des approvisionnements, ce pourcentage varie de 80,8% à 85,12%, en sachant que nous travaillons à toujours maximiser ce pourcentage.
Лимонова балсам

Лимонова балсам

La mélisse est une plante au parfum de citronnelle dont les feuilles ont un super pouvoir ! Frottées sur une piqûre d’insecte, elles en atténuent les effets. La mélisse est utilisée pour ses vertus calmantes et relaxantes en infusion ou dans l’eau du bain. En cuisine, la mélisse aromatise avec subtilité les volailles et viandes blanches. En pâtisserie, elle donne un goût délicieux aux entremets, aux crèmes pâtissières et aux flans.
Био / Еко Типове

Био / Еко Типове

diverse technische Kunststoffe bio-basierend oder recycelt
Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

co oferujemy: - dowiemy się, jaki jest popyt na twój produkt na Ukrainie - oceny głównych konkurentów - damy wskazówki dotyczące promocji produktów - pomożemy w prawnym i księgowym towarzystwie - stworzymy reklama firmy, która przyciągnie maksymalnie klientów Również możemy znaleźć dostawcą produktów na Ukrainie, z najlepszymi warunkami * Zdobyć rozpoznawalność i zwiększyć prestiż Twojej marki na terenie całej rynku ukraińskim * Chcesz sprzedawać swoje produkty lub usługi na Ukrainie? Pomożemy! w eksportowaniu towarów na Ukrainę * Mamy dobre kontakty z firmą na Ukrainie. Dołącz do nas Zapoznaj się z nasza oferta już i staniemy się dystrybutorem marki dziś . Zapewniamy atrakcyjne warunki handlowe oraz przejrzyste i proste zasady. Wsparcie na każdym etapie współpracy, od marketingu do obsługi posprzedażowej.
Мини краставица 10 кг

Мини краставица 10 кг

Mini cucumber 10 kg
Хидролат от мащерка Thymol Vulgaris

Хидролат от мащерка Thymol Vulgaris

Also available lemon thyme or cineole hydrolate, linalool thyme hydrolate, transtuyanol thyme hydrolate CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Thymus Vulgaris Flower/Leaf/Stems Wate CAS:8007-46-3 / 84929-51-1 EINECS:284-535-7
Етерично масло от мащерка

Етерично масло от мащерка

Thyme essential oil is extracted from the thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris) and has a fresh, spicy, herbal aroma. It is known for its stimulating and revitalizing properties that help improve concentration, mental clarity and relieve fatigue. Additionally, thyme essential oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, making it a powerful natural disinfectant and immune system booster. It is used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as in skin care to treat acne and other skin conditions, thanks to its astringent properties. Also available essential oil of lemon thyme or cineole, thyme linalool, and organic thyme essential oil. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Thymus vulgaris Flower/Leaf Oil CAS:84929-51-1 ; 8007-46-3 EINECS:284-535-7
Испанско масло от мащерка

Испанско масло от мащерка

Spanish marjoram essential oil, extracted from the Thymus mastichina plant, is known for its fresh, spicy and balsamic aroma, as well as its various health benefits. This essential oil is valued for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, being useful for treating infections and promoting respiratory health. Additionally, Spanish marjoram is known for its calming and relaxing properties, helping to relieve stress, anxiety and promote peaceful sleep. It is also used in skin care due to its astringent and healing properties, which help improve the appearance of the skin and reduce blemishes. In short, Spanish marjoram essential oil offers a combination of benefits, from respiratory care and relaxation to skin improvement, making it a popular choice in aromatherapy and personal care. Organic marjoram essential oil also available. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Thymus Masthinina Herb Oil CAS:8016-33-9 / 84837-14-9 EINECS:284-294-8
Мащерка Тимиол БИО Хидрозол - Хидрозоли

Мащерка Тимиол БИО Хидрозол - Хидрозоли

Thyme thymol hydrosol is an aromatic and refreshing liquid obtained from the steam distillation of the leaves and flowers of the thyme plant. This plant is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. The properties of thyme thymol hydrosol are numerous, including its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing, and toning qualities. It is also very useful for relieving muscle pain, fatigue, and respiratory issues. This hydrosol has a wide range of applications in the cosmetic industry; it is used as an ingredient in skincare and haircare products due to its purifying and revitalizing properties. Additionally, it is used as a flavoring in perfumes and body lotions. VOLUME: 25L
Етерично масло от пачули

Етерично масло от пачули

Patchouli essential oil is extracted from the dried leaves of the Pogostemon cablin plant and is characterized by its earthy, sweet and warm aroma. This essential oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, being effective in relieving stress, anxiety and promoting a feeling of emotional balance. In addition, patchouli has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, being useful for treating skin problems such as eczema, acne and minor burns. It is also used in aromatherapy to induce feelings of calm and meditation, and is believed to help improve concentration and mental clarity. In short, patchouli essential oil offers a combination of benefits, from promoting relaxation and relieving skin problems to improving concentration, making it a popular essential oil in aromatherapy and personal care. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Pogostemon Cablin Leaf Oil CAS:8014-09-3 / 84238-39-1 EINECS:282-493-4